Sunday, June 24, 2012

Welcome to The Homesteading Experiment

Sustainability and self sufficiency has been a long term goal in our household.  We've recycled, eaten organic and tried to make healthy choices as often as possible.  Then we moved to Washington where we bought our home with a bit of land and the doors opened even further.

We started by planting a small organic veggie garden and composting. As time passed, we learned more about homesteading and the possibility of being self reliant on our land.  We then began brewing our own beer (for half the cost of store bought), baking our own artisan breads (bye-bye $6.50 a loaf!), canning our own jam (with free wild berries from our yard), and adopted some organic egg laying hens (whose eggs taste way better than store bought organic free range eggs).

Now that we have started this way of life, I don't think we'll ever go back to our old ways.

Here you'll find stories about our homesteading experiment, along with tips, recipes and other helpful information to help you with your own homesteading adventures.  Enjoy!

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