Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wild Strawberries!

Wild they were!  I used to pull these out of my garden like mad the first year I moved into our home and every time they grew back with a vengeance.  My pulling them out just stimulated their growth and within weeks they were taking over again.  I thought they were a nuisance because they were "too small to eat".  Then one day, it dawned on me, free food!  So they may be small and take some time to pick but they're free!  

What can I do with these tiny strawberries?  I can make the best strawberry jam ever with way less sugar than store bought jams.  So on a sunny day with a bowl in hand, I sat with my strawberries and filled my bowl.  It took close to 30 minutes to fill my bowl halfway but it was a peaceful mediation in the garden with songbirds flying low overhead like I was just another plant.  

Once my bowl was filled, I went inside and gave the berries a quick rinse before mashing them down with a spoon.  I had about 2 cups worth which I mixed with 1/4 cup of sugar & 2 tablespoons of instant pectin.  In just a few minutes of mixing, I had made a few small jars of freezer jam.
Freezer jam is great because there is no preserving involved and can be done quickly which is perfect for small batches, like these strawberries that ripen in spurts.  

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